Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve 2009.

What a fantastic storm! What a fantastic full moon. These shots were taken from the lookout at Altona. The wind was blowing at least 30Knots, so I am stoked that any of the photos were not ruined by camera shake on the tripod.

These photos are pretty much straight out of the camera. A slight horizon straightening, and a very very slight curve adjustment and jpeg export from lightroom is the only treatment applied.

The storm heading towards Melbourne.

The full moon rising over Melbourne

This last shot you can see the storm just creeping into the frame.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Breakfast For Breast Cancer, The Albert Park Hotel

I recently photographed the Breakfast for Breast Cancer event (2009) at The Albert Park Hotel. Renee Walker from put a call out on twitter looking for a photographers---I answered.

My Mother is a survivor of breast cancer, so I was happy to donate my time and expertise for a worthy cause.

My job was to take photographs of all the guests, as well as I was asked to take some shots of the venue before the guests started to arrive.

There were a couple of featured guests. Aside from Lillian Frank, can you tell who they are?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mosaic Time Again

Local artist Julee Latimer needed a piece to be photographed.

Julee's mosaics have been the trickiest things yet that I have photographed.  Shiny little objects that are either semi-opaque, shiny and reflective, or both.  As well, the latest piece is not flat, but a sculptured wavey shape.  So I also wanted to have some nice shadows to show the shape.

I went with pointing a flash at the wall to cast a nice soft shadow on the piece.  As well, I used the Orbis Ring Flash to fill the shadows.

Once we got this piece finished, Julee had a few more pieces that had not yet been photographed.

This piece is installed on the fence outside.  I took a few shots without any flashes, and then had a flash on either side.  The difference was subtle, but I think very important.  The flashes added that "pop" that lifts the image just that little bit.  Each tile has a tiny little glint.  As well, the grout looks good too.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Another Photo Shoot With Stui

Stuart Christie called me up and said, Can I get you to come over and take some more photos?
And I said, Sure.  Not a Problem.

This one was a little tricky to light.  The main aim was to keep the warmth and ambience of the setting, and at the same time putting some nice light on Stui.

This time around I put two lights on justin clamps behind stui, one carefully balanced on a broom, and one clamped to the curtain rail.  The third flash was behind me and pointed at ceiling.

I went for a slow shutter speed to pick up the relatively low intensity of the wall lights and light stand.
